Maid of Honor Speeches n Stuff!

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Just a quick note to wish you all Happy Holidays! I hope you have had a chance to spend time with your nearest and dearest and enjoyed the festivities – some nice gifts perhaps? I am spending a few days on holidays with my family and having a very relaxing time. I know it sounds boring but I just needed to catch up on some sleep and that in itself has been a luxury this week!

I hope to catch up with some new posts for y’all early next week.

Take care and enjoy!!

O is for organise. Organise your maid of honor speech well in advance. You need to plan what you are going to say, write it down, practice it, rewrite it….  Get my drift?

Please organise your time and begin preparing your maid of honor speech as far in advance of  the wedding as you can, as you will be busy with your other maid of honor duties as the wedding approaches. Also be organised about structuring your speech as the best maid of honor speeches flow naturally  from the  beginning through to the  middle and the end.

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

I know you will want to give the bride and groom a fantastic gift (more about that in future posts!) but how about starting with something free and fabulous! The Wedding Lens allows you to create a customized online wedding album for the bride and groom. It is a great place to collect the captured memories of all your friends that were at the wedding. The album is also shareable! (Maybe just take care to include photographs from earlier rather than later in the day/night!!!)

Maid of honor sister speeches can as with any maid of honor speech be funny or endearing or even a little of both. Poems, quotes, jokes and anecdotes can help with your speeches direction, structure and add to its enjoyability. I will include some posts with sister poems, sister quotes etc. to help you give a maid of honor sister speech that your sister will be so happy with!


A sister
Someone you cannot replace
To be there for you
When you have no one else
A sister
Someone who is always by your side
When the walls are caving in
There thorugh thick and thin
A sister
The one person in this world
That can make you laugh
When all you want to do is cry
A sister
The person who knows you best
From the inside out
The one who can read your mind
A sister
Can see your thoughts
She can see how you feel
And be there to make the memories
A sister
The one person
Who you’ll share the most memories
Of humerous and horrible

Cathy VanDorn

E is for encouraging. Offer encouraging (and maybe emotional) advice and congratulations to the bride and groom for a happy, successful and everlasting furure together. Remember also that your audience will be encouraging you to give one of the  best maid of honor speeches they have heard, with their support for you on the day.

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

Maid of Honor Speeches BrideC is for cool, calm and collected. I have used three words here, just in case there is any doubt in your mind! Take a deep breath before your give your maid of honor speech, relax and enjoy it. If you are feeling nervous try to at least “act” confident. The audience can’t see your hands shaking and with a steady voice, you will sound like a pro!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

I just want to say hello to all those girls who are privileged to be the maid of honor at their best friend or sister’s wedding. I intend to build a comprehensive resource for you, not only in connection with your own duties but with any duties the bride might call on you to assist her with!

This is a time for fun and celebration, but the stress of the wedding planning can often take over! Not any more! I will give you the resources you need to eliminate stress and ensure this is a happy, smiley time for everyone!
