Maid of Honor Speeches n Stuff!

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Q is for Quotes. Why not include a quotation from a song, movie, poem or famous speech in your maid of honor speech? A quote can serve as a great introduction or add punch to the closing of your speech. It can be poignant or funny. It may be specifically related to friendship, love, marriage or one of the bride’s specific personality traits.

I have given just a small sample of quotes that you might use below. You can find more helpful quotes at Maid of Honor Toasts and Maid of Honor Sister Speeches

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. Donna Roberts

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. Henry Ford

A sister smiles when one tells one’s stories – for she knows where the decoration has been added. Chris Montaigne

You can kid the world but not your sister. Charlotte Gray

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there. Amy Li

P is for practice. I know I’ve been known to use the ‘P’ word more than once but I’m going to do it again – practice, practice, practice!!!!

You need to say your maid of honor speech aloud (before the wedding day!!) You need to eliminate any tongue twisters or phrases that are just not working. Ideally, get some feedback from someone close. The more you practice, the more confidence you will have!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

O is for organise. Organise your maid of honor speech well in advance. You need to plan what you are going to say, write it down, practice it, rewrite it….  Get my drift?

Please organise your time and begin preparing your maid of honor speech as far in advance of  the wedding as you can, as you will be busy with your other maid of honor duties as the wedding approaches. Also be organised about structuring your speech as the best maid of honor speeches flow naturally  from the  beginning through to the  middle and the end.

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

N is for normal. Please speak in your normal register of language. This is not a competition about how many long words you can include or if you can mimic Shakespeare! Use words you are comfortable with. Also, use your normal voice. Please don’t go for the “plum in your mouth” posh voice that you think will give a better impression. You will sound best if you are comfortable, so be yourself. Be the person that the bride chose to be her maid of honor!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

M is for mirror. Yes, mirror! This is the mirror that you are going to practice your maid of honor speech in front of! Speak aloud and practice your hand gestures. Look yourself in the eye as if you were looking into the eyes of your audience. By seeing yourself deliver your speech as other people will, you can modify your gestures until you are comfortable. The more you practice, the more confident you will be as you deliver your maid of honor speech on the day! Your mirror will help – promise!!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

L is for likeability. The bride really likes you already. In fact she probably loves you to bits. For those who don’t know you remember to smile. Relax as you deliver your maid of honor speech. I know you may be screaming at your screen that that is easier said than done but just bear in mind that you are not being asked to address a conference of rocket scientists!

If you enjoy giving your maid of honor speech (or at least appear to!) your audience will enjoy it too!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

K is for knock their socks off! I know you will do it and I want you to know it too! Be confident, deliver your maid of honor speech and accept the compliments you receive graciously! You deserve it. Be proud of yourself!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

J is for joke. A joke or a one liner or two will ligthen everybody’s mood and the fact that the audience is laughing with you will give our confidence a great boost as you deliver your maid of honor speech. I just advise you to keep it clean and to remember who your audience is. You want to bring a smile to the bride’s face and not leave her choking in embarrassment!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

J is for joke. Whether you choose to add a joke, a one liner or a funny story or two, you will be amazed at the uplift you will get from a laughing audience. Keep it clean and appropriate to the guests present. Also remember that this is not Friday night at the local comedy club. I say this so that you don’t feel under pressure to maintain uproarious laughter throughout your maid of honor speech.

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

I is for involve. Don’t be afraid to involve your audience. Can you imagine the positive reaction you will get even if you ask “Doesn’t the bride look gorgeous to-day?” This can work both for the audience, in terms of participation,  and for your confidence.

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

H is for hand gestures.  You can add animation and/or emotion to your maid of honor speech by including hand gestures. They can also help disguise shaking hands and add a show of “confidence” to your delivery. Practice your hand gestures in advace as you practice your most confident of maid of honor speeches – just to make sure they are not so grand as to knock out any innocent passer byer!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

G is for greeting. This will be at the beginnging of your maid of honor speech and will include greetings to the bride and groom, their family and friends and any special guests that deserve a mention. Don’t be afraid to give it impact. The best maid of honor speeches will grip the audience right from the start! Include a joke, a one liner or an endearing quote to add that special something that will grab everyone’s attention right from the start. See you are winning already!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

F is for friendship. Chances are  that the bride has been your friend for many years now and you know her very well. You both share a history. We’ve all had great nights out and a few more emotional sagas with our friends. We remember the dramas and love our friends for their unique qualities. This is all great material for your maid of honor speech. (Just edit it a little!) Tell your audience about the things you love about your friend!

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

E is for encouraging. Offer encouraging (and maybe emotional) advice and congratulations to the bride and groom for a happy, successful and everlasting furure together. Remember also that your audience will be encouraging you to give one of the  best maid of honor speeches they have heard, with their support for you on the day.

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast

D is for delivery.  Speak slowly. You are not under time pressure. This is not the Oscars and the “orchestra” will not rush you off stage – promise!! Take your time and speak clearly for successful delivery of your maid of honor speech.

For a sneek peek at the entire A-Z in brief, just visit A-Z of Giving a Memorable Maid of Honor Toast
