Maid of Honor Speeches n Stuff!

Maid of Honor Duties – Pre Wedding

Posted on: November 14, 2008

Are you excited about being maid of honor? Do you know what your maid of honor duties are? Yes, yes, I know you have to put on your gorgeous gown, get dolled up and look glam slam on the day. Got a cute best man for the first dance? You are lucky! But what about the rest?  Don’t know what you should be helping with and when you should be keeping your nose out?

First of all don’t worry too much about this, as I will say over and over, the bride is your friend.  She will ask for your help and advice when she needs it and I am sure you girls have that “just leave me to it” friendly code sorted out years ago.

I will give you an overview here of your  pre-wedding maid of honor duties now and will delve a little deeper in later posts! So without further ado, this is what you need to fill your diary with over the coming months:

  1. The maid of honor will normally be asked to help the bride choose her wedding dress. This involves shopping – yippee!

  3. You may be asked to help with the wedding venue search. You could arrange a nice girls’ day out and have a little lunch or a coffee or two as you venue hop.

  5. The bride will need to shop for wedding invitations, decorations, flowers, favors, bridesmaids dresses etc. and I am sure she would value your second opinion and advice on these. More shopping. I am getting to like this, are you?

  7. You will be planning and hosting the bridal shower. This will involve more shopping- invitations, decorations etc. and some organizational work. You will need to send out the invitations and keep track of gifts given etc. You get to be the hostess with the mostess!

  9. Sometimes the groom is not interested in dealing with the wedding register, and you may be able to take on a supporting role to the bride in this. (We’re back to the shopping!)

  11. You will be responsible for organizing the Bachelorette Party. You know the bride, so you will know what she is looking for. Whether it is fun and fabulous or something a little more sedate, again you will be the hostess.

  13. You will be a guest at the rehearsal dinner but the bride may require you to help out with this also. Don’t worry, your hostess days are over. This is just a supporting role but even supporting actresses are awarded at the Oscars!

  15. Just one more little piece of shopping! No doubt you will want to buy a little something for the bride and groom. This will be your choice and on your time.

So shopping and party planning and hosting sum up most of the maid of honor duties that will be required of you. Sounds like every girls dream! I know I have taken a light hearted approach to this list, to some degree. I have done so because organizing a wedding can become a light hearted adventure to fulfilling a dream or a nightmare full of twists and turns that will keep those involved, including the maid of honor stressed out for months.

I hope to help you keep it as stress free as possible and will provide serious information and sources to help you. However, I don’t want to increase your blood pressure by making this out to be more than it is. It is important that the bride and groom’s wedding day fulfils all their dreams, without encountering nightmares along the way!
